Water Sensitive SA

Priority project 05: MUSIC (version 6) Guidelines for SA

Priority project 05: MUSIC (version 6) Guidelines for SA

Objective To ensure a consistent, reliable and accurate approach to stormwater quality modelling and assessment in SA, calibrated to SA conditions
Deliverables A reference document to guide design engineers including:

  • SA WSUD performance targets for stormwater
  • Catchment model set-up (meteorological data, rainfall runoff, pollutant export parameters, etc.)
  • Stormwater treatment nodes (configuration and parameters)
  • Interpretation of results
  • Reporting for development assessment
Inputs Goyder Institute for Water Research recommendations on model input parameters The project will also draw upon the existing guidelines developed by Queensland WSUD capacity building program, Water by Design
Delivery method Consultancy, overseen by Water Sensitive SA technical working group
Service provider E2DesignLab
Project completion date 90% complete
Delivery partners Stormwater Management Authority, Environment and Protection Authority
Target audience Consulting engineers, developers, Councils
Dependent activities Nil

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Acknowledgement of Country

Water Sensitive SA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon, and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country.