Water Sensitive SA

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Sixth Street revitalisation
Murray Bridge

The Sixth Street Revitalisation Project is a leading example of an integrated Shared Street design, based on the principles of Link and Place. A Shared Street design was an ideal scenario as it allows for the area to be temporarily closed for events with ease, slow traffic and redesignate space to cyclists and pedestrians and to the business activity.

The space looks and feels like a town square while remaining a functioning, yet safer, street. These positive outcomes required a collaborative design process between civil and stormwater engineers and landscape architects. The result is a landscape and civil design that has thoughtfully integrated water sensitive urban design (WSUD) elements.

Previously Sixth Street had limited underground stormwater in, both north and south of Bridge Road, the towns mainstreet. A solution was required that reduced the volume and rate of overland flow. A new underground system in Sixth Street in combination with a series of WSUD features will effectively manage local nuisance flooding.

WSUD features include:

  • Local surface flows collected in valley drains provide passive irrigation of trees via tree pits that are contoured to allow for 100mm extended detention, providing ponded water capacity of 0.5 cubic metres around each tree
  • three landscaped areas at the intersection of Fifth Street function as raingardens
  • the tree pits and raingardens will support a green avenue in the future
  • north of Bridge Street, the one-way cross fall of the road designed to work with the natural topography has provided a greater catchment for stormwater runoff to sustain the raingardens.


Landscape Design: Jensen PLUS

Civil design: Tonkin Consulting

Images: Natalya Boujenko and Rural City of Murray Bridge


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